Due persone legate dal filo rosso del destino.
Il voto d’amore forma diversi legami.
Arriva finalmente il momento della benedizione.
Mano nella mano, un nuovo sogno si realizza e fiorisce uno dopo l’altro.
Rendendo omaggio alle storie di matrimonio del passato,
un mondo di modalità è nato da una nuova generazione di lavoro creativo.
YUKINORI MORINAGA offre alle spose questi stili di nuova generazione.
L’accurata selezione di ogni materiale, l’immaginazione illimitata e l’amore per gli abiti da sposa collaborano e completano la collezione di abiti di YUKINORI MORINAGA.
Two people tied together by the red thread of fate.
The vow of love form various connection.
Time of blessing finally arrives.
By hand in hand tightly, a new dream comes to fruition and blooming one after another.
Paying homage to the past wedding stories, a world of modes was born from a new generation of creative work.
We deliver such next generation styles to brides.
Careful selection of each material, unlimited imagination and love for wedding dresses collaborate and complete YUKINORI MORINAGA’s dress collection.
Brand Concept
Paying homage to the past wedding stories, a world of modes was born from a new generation of creative work.
We deliver such next generation styles to brides.
Careful selection of each material, unlimited imagination and love for wedding dresses collaborate and complete YUKINORI MORINAGA’s dress collection.
1966 Born in Oita, Japan
1988 Graduated from apparel design department of BUNKA FASHION COLLEGE
1988 to 2000 Worked as a designer at YUMI KATSURA Bridal House
2000 Became independent
After independence, made a design contract with YUMI KATSURA couture for rental department of this company
(This contract continues even now)
2000 Established own company YUKINORI MORINAGA FOR WEDDING
2001 Opened a wedding dress shop “1+1” (one plus one) in Shirokane, Minato-ku in Tokyo
Produced wedding dresses, stage costumes for celebrities in various fields as well as costumes for plays and movies
2007 Changed his company name to YUKINORI MORINAGA. Expanded his range of activities beyond the field of wedding dresses
2010 Presented Men’s shirt brand “3”
2013 Made a design contract with a dress maker ALPHA BLANCA in Kyoto
2013 Published 『2way Wedding Dress』 from Bunka Publishing Burea
2016 Presented YUKINORI MORINAGA dresses for rental
2019 Exhibited at Sposa Italia
2020 Nominated for Best Bridal Collection at the Elle International Bridal Awards
2023 Exhibited at Sposa Italia
During study at BUNKA FASHION COLLEGE, received a special award at “Ball Gown Contest” hosted by Ginza Kawamura
1996 Received the highest award at “Wedding Dress Division of Newcomer Creator’s Collection” hosted by The Senken Shimbun Company